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How to Add Articles?

  • Go to “Articles” in the Navigation menu.
  • Under the “Add Article” section, enter your article name.
  • In the Excerpt box, enter a small description about the article you are about to publish and select your genre from the Genres dropdown box.
  • Enter a relevant tag in the “Tag” section which will appear under the published article.

Note: You can Tag search the relevant articles in the OTT site by clicking on the tags that appear below the published articles.

Add Articles
  • Click on the date in “Published Date” and enter your Content in the content box.
  • The content column has all sorts of writing tools. In the drop down you can choose the required writing style of Header and Paragraph along with different font styles and font colours.
  • The user can also insert a table or an image and bulletin their content.
Add Articles Content
  • To add an image to your content, click on the image dropdown button. The insert image via URL popup box appears.
  • Enter the image URL and click on the Insert button to add the image to your Content.
Add Articles ImageUrl
  • The content will appear as shown below:
Health and Fitness:

Being healthy and fit in simple terms means taking good care of the body. We should remember that a healthy mind resides only in a healthy body. Good health of both mind and body helps one maintain the required energy level to achieve success in life. All of us must strive to achieve wholesome health. Protecting your body from the intake of harmful substances, doing regular exercises, and having proper food and sleep are some of the important instances that define a healthy lifestyle. Being fit allows us to perform our activities without being lethargic, restless, or tired. A healthy and fit person is capable of living the life to the fullest, without any major medical or physical issues. Being healthy is not only related to the physical well-being of a person, it also involves the mental stability or the internal peace of a person. Generally, a healthy diet consists of taking proper and healthy food which includes eating green and fresh vegetables, and fruits, and having milk, eggs, minerals, proteins, and vitamins essential for a human's lifestyle. Practicing Yoga including regular exercises in your daily routine also helps you maintain your desired fitness, blood sugar, and immunity level.

Health and Fitness
  • Your content will be saved for further editing by enabling the Is Draft option. The content will NOT be published and will remain ready for editing.
Draft Articles
  • Once your content is ready for publishing, click on the Submit button and the article will be published in OTT Toolkit.
Submit Articles

The article is successfully published.

Featured Image:

  • The featured image is the thumbnail image and it can be added by clicking on the “Click here to upload an image” option.
  • Follow the given image pixel and it appears as a thumbnail image along with the article.
Articles Featured Image

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